Technical Tree Services has undertaken a commitment to protect the environment, flora and fauna and to prevent pollution at all levels of its business activities.
Compliance with the “Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981” and the “Countryside and Rights of Way Act, 2000” are of paramount importance. All our representatives are keen conservationists. All staff are trained in environmental issues and can recommend remedial ways for undertaking works in accordance with the above acts.
In compliance with the “Countryside and Rights of Way Act, 2000” prior to works commencing, trees will be assessed by our in house licensed bat handler to ascertain the presence of bats or the potential use as a roost site.
Technical Tree Services representatives will assess trees to be worked on or removed to ensure that there are no nesting birds. Once work commences the area is continually assessed and monitored, if nesting birds are discovered at any time findings will be reported immediately and appropriate measures will be taken.
Initial assessments, aerial inspections, night visits and on site presence of qualified persons while works are undertaken are just some of the in house environmental services offered by Technical Tree Services.
As part of our ongoing commitment to the environment we endeavour to run all our machinery on a blend of bio diesel. This fuel is produced from reclaimed vegetable oil, a by-product from the catering industry.
In sensitive environments special 2-stroke oil is used to reduce the amount of pollution from our chainsaws. We also use a blend of vegetable oil, which is used to lubricate the chain. Both oils are biodegradable.
All our woodchip is recycled to allotments, city farms or processed to produce compost.
All our logs are processed into usable firewood or broken down into woodchip for composting.